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Collective Space offers training programmes to children’s and adult’s social care practitioners and managers at all stages of their systemic social work development journey. Students may have no prior knowledge of systemic social work practice, or they may be practitioners who have completed their intermediate training

family services



Collective Space Child and Family Services are a group of highly skilled and experienced systemic social workers and systemic psychotherapists who offer independent assessments and therapeutic interventions, both within and outside of the court arena.

Step Up to Social Work

Amazing session- so informative, learnt lots which I know will be really useful for practice and placement

Step Up to Social Work
Carmarthenshire County Council

Absolutely wonderful. This will help to challenge families effectively and respectfully about how they can make changes in their lives in order to achieve better outcomes for themselves.

Carmarthenshire County Council

Just great. I came straight back into work the following day and used the learning directly.

Newcastle City Council

(The trainers are)… fab just the way they are. They are fun, interesting, informative, full of knowledge. I hope to be able to speak of systemic therapy with as much knowledge and clarity one day.

Newcastle City Council
Lambeth Children’s Services

Outstanding training. Certainly the best I have attended at the council. The content will enhance my practice at a broad level, not just in the context of DV. It was a real pleasure and the trainer was a real inspiration

Lambeth Children’s Services


Our new shop is now open

We're excited to announce that our online shop is now open.Do visit our shop page and check out some of the great tools we use every day.Also check back regularly as we add more products and courses in the days and months to come.Our Shop   For bulk orders please contact us direct for pricing. Contact Us for More Information

By |29th December 2023|Blog & Events|Comments Off on Our new shop is now open

Moments that sparkle in murky times

Moments that sparkle in murky times The systemic concept of ‘sparkling moments’ comes from theory of Narrative Therapy developed by Michael White and David Epston in the 1970-80’s. When I first came across the term, I was a Local Authority social work manager undertaking my foundation year in systemic practice and I found the term far too woolly for the sharp end work I was engaged in. The alternative phrase that I came across was ‘unique outcome’ and this was the one I preferred; it seemed a better fit for a field that was often organised by KPI’s, goals and solutions. This was over a decade ago, and now as a social worker of 20 years and currently the director of a social work training [...]

By |8th February 2023|Blog & Events|Comments Off on Moments that sparkle in murky times


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