John Woolner
Social Worker, Family Therapist and Trainer
John qualified as a social worker in 1988. His background in social work has largely been in adult mental health though he has also worked in adult safeguarding, learning disability teams and older persons’ teams. He qualified as a systemic psychotherapist in 2000 and worked with a wide range of service users since, including holding a position as a psychotherapist in an NHS psychology department.
He is a practice lead with a large social work training provider and a specialist lay member sitting for the Mental Health Review Tribunal. He continues to see clients in a private practice. John has been delivering training in systemic theory and practice for the last ten years and has a special interest in the impact of trauma on relationships.
I was a little nervous about the prospect of 2 days online training, however it has been a really good training experience. John has a wealth of experience, skills and knowledge and he was a breath of fresh air. I have learned so much that I will try very much to put into practice. John interacts well, makes people feel at ease and is knowledgeable in the subject. It’s been enlightening.
West Midlands Local Authority